
Boualem Benatallah

Title: Conversational AI enabled Services : Opportunities, Risks and Directions


Boualem Benatallah is a full professor of computing at Dublin City University (DCU, Ireland) since Jan 2022. He is a fellow of the IEEE. His main research interests are developing fundamental concepts and techniques in Web services middleware, business process automation, quality control in crowdsourcing and AI-enabled services, automated and crowdsourced training data curation, conversational cognitive services, and context-aware and compositional task-oriented conversational services. He has published more than 300 refereed papers including more than 100 journal papers. Benatallah has been general and PC chair of a number of international conferences. He has been a guest editor of several special issues for reputable international journals. He is a member of the steering committee of ICSOC (Int. Conference on Service Oriented Computing) conferences. He is a member of the editorial board of numerous international journals including ACM Transactions on Web, IEEE Transactions on services computing, and ACM Computing surveys. He supervised over 36 research (including 32 PhD and 5 Masters by Research) students to completion as principal or joint supervisor. Benatallah has had over 21 years as a senior lecturer, associate professor, full professor and then Scientia professor at UNSW Sydney (Australia) before joining DCU.


Conversational AI-enabled augmentation and integration promises to transform services and processes through data-driven automation and insights. Nonetheless, despite the early adoption, conversational AI-enabled service and process management technologies are still only in their preliminary stages of development, with several unsolved challenges stemming from a lack of computational abstractions and models to reason about ambiguity, composition and quality aspects that are inherent in data-driven processes. We will revisit abstractions, concepts, and techniques in data-driven service models and middleware. We will discuss synergies between intent-based composition, composition synthesis, robotic process automation and other technologies as a step forward to scale conversational AI services enablement. We will also briefly discuss quality control in training data curation and AI-enabled software services.

Raffaele L. Dellacà


Raffaele L. Dellacà received the M.S. degree in control science engineering and the Ph.D. degree in biomedical engineering from the Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy, in 1997 and 2001, respectively.,He has been an Associate Professor of biomedical electronics with the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering, Politecnico di Milano, since 2011. He is responsible for the Technologies for Respiration (TechRes) Laboratory ( His main research interests are in the area of the bioengineering of the respiratory system, in particular, on respiratory physiology, respiratory mechanics, modeling of respiratory system mechanical properties, development of new technologies for the analysis of respiration, mechanical ventilation, and anesthesia in adults and newborns. He is PI, Co-PI, or collaborating to several research projects sponsored by public agencies, foundations, and companies and author of more than 110 full articles published on international peer-reviewed journals, 14 book chapters, and 18 patents.,Dr. Dellacà was awarded as a fellow of the European Respiratory Society in 2005 and a Raine Visiting Professor at the University of Western Australia in 2016.