In addition to the regular track that covers general/mainstream topics, BODYNETS 2016 features several special tracks that focus on specific, emerging or underrepresented topics. All special track papers will be peer-reviewed with the same criteria and quality standard used in the regular track. All accepted special track papers will be included as conference papers in the proceedings.
ST1: Antenna/Propagation and WiBEC Project (APWiBEC)
Please download the Call for Papers
ST2: Body Area NanoNETworks: Electromagnetic, Materials and Communications (BANN-EMC)
Please download the Call for Papers
ST3: Cloud-Assisted Body Area Networks (CABAN)
Please download the Call for Papers
ST4: Human Body Communications (HBCM)
Please download the Call for Papers
ST5: Millimeter-Wave Body Area Networks (MilliBAN)
Please download the Call for Papers
ST6: Privacy, Security and Trust in Body Area Networks (PSTB)
The Call for Papers will be available as soon as possible.
ST7: Sensors and Algorithms for Human Motion Analysis and Classification (SAHM)
Please download the Call for Papers
ST8: Ultra Wideband for Body Area Networking (UWBAN)
Please download the Call for Papers
Authors are invited to submit papers in the following categories:
- Papers should be in English.
- Regular papers should be up to 7 pages in length.
- Abstracts should be up to 2 pages in length.
- Previously published work may not be submitted, nor may the work be concurrently submitted to any other conference or journal. Such papers will be rejected without review.
Papers must follow the ACM conference paper format. ACM Templates are available at:
For detailed submission instructions visit:
The proceedings are submitted for inclusion to the leading indexing services: DBLP, Google Scholar, Thomson Scientific ISI Proceedings, EI Elsevier Engineering Index, CrossRef, Scopus, as well as ICST's own EU Digital Library (EUDL).
Outstanding articles will be encouraged to submit their manuscript to a Special Section in IEEE ACCESS, a multidisciplinary open access journal published by IEEE.
We reserve the right to exclude papers accepted but not presented without prior request and satisfactory explanation from the conference proceedings submitted for archiving and indexing.