Technical Program
Updated September 6 2012
Monday, 24th September 2012
(Room: RH B1.U018 Auditorium 3 Blue)
08:15-18:00 Registration
08:30-08:45 Welcome Address
Prof. Ilangko Balasingham General Chair; Prof. Jun Suzuki and Prof. Tao Gu, TPC Chairs.
08:45-09:20 Keynote I
Towards the Design of Smart Ultra-Low-Power Systems for Wireless Body Sensor Networks Prof. David Atienza École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne EPFL, Switzerland
09:30-10:40 Embedded Medical Devices
Chair: Prof. J. Wang
09:30-09:45 Evaluation of Algorithms for Chew Event Detection S. Päßler and W.J. Fischer
09:45-10:00 Disruption-Tolerant Wireless Sensor Networking for Biomedical Monitoring in Outdoor Conditions D. Benferhat, F. Guidec and P. Quinton
10:00-10:10 A Data-driven Functional PCA Filter for Compensating the Effect of Sensor Position Changes in Motion Data R. Haratian, C. Phillips and T. Timotijevic
10:10-10:20 Body Sensor Networks in Fetal Monitoring with NFC Enabled Android Devices M. Korostelev, L. Bai, J. Wu, C.C. Tan and D. Mastrogiannis
10:20-10:30 Radiation Pattern of an UWB Wearable Antenna: A Preliminary Study Changes in Motion Data W.B. Yang and K. Sayrafian-Pour
10:30-10:40 Does loose fitting matter? Predicting sensor performance in smart garments H. Harms, O. Amft and G. Toester
10:40-11:00 Coffee Break/Poster & Demo Session
11:00-12:30 Networking and Communication I
Chair: Dr. Anna Kim
11:00-11:15 SAR Reduction in Implant Body Area Networks with Spatial Diversity Reception D. Anzai, S. Aoyama, M. Yamanaka and J. Wang
11:15-11:30 Communication using Ultra Wide-band Pulse Position Modulation for In-body Sensors A. N. Kim, P. A. Floor, T. A. Ramstad and I. Balasingham
11:30-11:40 Link Budget Analysis of In-body to On-body UWB Low Band Communications for Capsule Endoscope J. Shi, D. Anzai and J. Wang
11:40-11:50 Error Concealment and Post Processing for the Capsule Endoscope A. N. Kim, E. Darling, T. A. Ramstad and I. Balasingham
11:50-12:00 MHz-Band Near-field Coupling Communication Technology K. Nagata, T. Yanagawa, T. Kusunoki, R. Shimoda, H. Shimasaki, and Y. Kado
12:00-12:10 Radio Wave Propagation in an HBC Device Including a Transceiver R. Abdul Razak, T. Sugo and T. Maeyama
12:10-12:20 Performance Evaluation of Time Synchronization and Clock Drift Compensation in Wireless Personal Area Networks T. Lindh, J. Wåhslén, I. Orhan and D. Sturm
12:20-12:30 Electrically Isolated System for Measuring Signals in MHz-Band Human-Area Networks T. Nakamura, M. Nozawa, T. Kobase, H. Simasaki and Y. Kado
12:30-13:30 Lunch
(Location: Hospital Restaurant)
13:30-14:05 Keynote II
Opportunistic, Self-Organized on Body Sensing Prof. Paul Lukowicz German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Germany
14:15-14:45 Wearable Computing
Chair: Prof. Gill Tsouri
14:15-14:30 Design of Energy Efficient and Dependable Health Monitoring Systems under Unreliable Nanometer Technologies (Invited Paper) M. M. Sabry, G. Karakonstantis, D. Atienza and A. P. Burg
14:30-14:45 An Energy Efficient Model for Monitoring and Detecting Atrial Fibrillation in Wearable Computing R. Bouhenguel, I. Mahgoub and M. Ilyas
14:45-14:55 Authenticated Health Monitoring Scheme for Wireless Body Sensor Networks C. Rong and H. Cheng
15:00-15:40 Networking and Communication II
Chair: Dr. Kamran Sayrafia-Pour
15:00-15:10 A Modified Dijkstra’s Routing Algorithm for Increasing Network Lifetime in Wireless Body Area Networks G.R. Tsouri, A. Prieto and N. Argade
15:10-15:20 Experimental Characterisation of Data Aggregation in BANs with a Walking Subject R. Cavallari, E. Guidotti, C. Buratti and R. Verdone
15:20-15:30 Sum-Rate Distortion Bound for Suboptimal Multiterminal Source Coding Applied in Medical Wireless Sensor Networks H.T. Nguyen, T. A. Ramstad and I. Balasingham
15:30-15:40 Temporal Diversity Coding for Improving the Performance of Wireless Body Area Networks G. E. Arrobo, Z. J. Haas and R. D. Gitlin
15:40-15:50 Coffee Break
15:50-17:35 Systems and Applications I
Chair: Prof. Jari Iinatti
15:50-16:05 SonicSeat: A Seat Position Tracker based on Ultrasonic Sound Measurements for Rowing Technique Analysis F. Gravenhorst, C. Thiem, B. Tessendorf, R. Adelsberger, B. Arnrich, and G. Töster
16:05-16:20 Optimizing Battery Lifetime-Fidelity Tradeoffs in BSNs using Personal Activity Profiles J. Bantley, A. Barth and J. Lach
16:25-16:35 Modelling correlations for Body Sensor Network information P. Brandão
16:35-16:50 The Radiation Properties of the Planar UWB Dipole Antenna in the Proximity of Dispersive Body Models T. Tuovinen, M. Berg, K. Y. Yazdandoost, E. Salonen and J. Iinatti
16:50-17:05 On the Use of a Dielectric Matching Layer for Ultra Wideband Medical Applications A. Khaleghi, R. Chávez-Santiago and I. Balasingham
17:05-17:20 Modeling Capacitive Coupling Systems for Body Coupled Communications R. J.S. Matias, R. M. Escadas, M. B. Cunha and A. M. Mota
17:25-17:35 Empirical Modeling of Intra-BAN Ranging Errors Based on IR-UWB TOA Estimation J. Hamie, B. Denis, R. D'errico and C. Richard
17:45-19:00 Welcome Reception at Edvard Munch Museum. Address: Tøyen gate 63, 0577 Oslo. Transportation will be provided from the conference venue to the museum.
Tuesday, 25th September 2012
(Room: Room: RH B1.U013 Auditorium 1 Green until 1200; Room: RH B1.U018 Auditorium 3 Blue from 1200)
8:30-18:00 Registration
08:45-09:20 Keynote III
Robust Access for Wireless Body Area Sensor Networks Prof.. Victor C.M. Leung University of British Columbia, Canada
09:30-10:30 Systems and Applications II
Chair: : Dr. Matti Hämäläinen
09:30-09:45 Nodes Updates Censoring and Scheduling in Constrained Decentralized Positioning for Large-Scale Motion Capture based on Wireless Body Area Networks J. Hamie, B. Denis and C. Richard
09:45-10:00 Will You Have a Good Sleep Tonight? Sleep Quality Prediction with Mobile Phone Y. Bai, B. Xu, Y. Ma, G. Sun and Y. Zhao
10:00-10:10 Health Monitoring and Wellness for All, a Multichannel Approach through Innovative Interfaces and Systems A. Pozzebon, G. Benelli, G. L. Daino, R. Sesto and R. Zambon
10:10-10:20 Fuzzy Feature for Traditional Chinese Medical Pulse Data J. Cui
10:20-10:30 Design Recommendations for a Reliable Body-Worn Patient Monitoring and Alarming Service Y.B.D. Trinugroho, R. Fensli and F. Reichert
10:30-10:40 Energy Harvesting Enabled Wireless Sensor Networks: Energy Model and Battery Dimensioning R. Gomez Cid Fuentes, A. Cabellos and E. Alarcon
10:40-10:50 Directional Analysis of the On-Body Propagation Channels considering Human’s Anatomical Variations R. Chandra, T. Abbas and A. Johansson
10:50-11:10 Coffee Break
11:10-11:45 Nano Communication
Chair: Dr. Sasi Balasubrramaniam
11:10-11:25 Multiobjective TDMA Optimization for Neuron-based Molecular Communication J. Suzuki, S. Balasubramaniam and A. Prina-Mello
11:25-11:35 An Ant Colony Biological Inspired Way For Statistical Shortest Paths In Complex Brain Networks F. Gao, F. Fei, and I. Balasingham
11:35-11:45 Efficient Acoustic Communication Techniques for Nanobots V. Loscri, V. Mannara, E. Natalizio, and G. Aloi
12:00-12:35 Keynote IV
Body Sensor Networks for the future of medicine: will you still need your doctor? Julien Penders Imec / Holst Centre, Nederlands
12:35-13:40 Lunch (Location: Hospital Restaurant)
13:40-14:45 COST-TERRA Special Session on Cognitive Radio and Regulatory Policies for BodyNets and Sensor Networks
Chair: Dr. Raúl Chávez-Santiago
13:40-14:00 COST Action IC0905 TERRA: Techno-Economic Regulatory Framework for Radio Spectrum Access for Cognitive Radio/Software Defined Radio (Invited Lecture) O. Holland
14:00-14:15 Cognitive Radio Test Bed for Optimized Channel Selection in IEEE 802.11-based networks T. Cuzanauskas and A. Medeišis
14:15-14:30 Cognitive Sensor Networks Implementation in Medical Environmental Surveillance L. Gavrilovska, A. Mateska and K. Chomu
14:30-14:45 On the Use of a Controlling Database for Cognitive Radio in Wireless Body Area Networks G. Sukareviciene, D. Jankunas and V. V. Fomin
14:45-15:00 Coffee Break
15:00-16:15 Panel Discussion “Bodynets 5 years from now”
Chair: Dr. Jacob Bergsland
Participants: Prof. Erik Fosse, Prof. Victor Leung, and Julien Penders.
19:00-22:00 Banquet (Location: Gamle Raadhus, Nedre Slottsgate 1 0157 Oslo))
Wednesday, 26th September 2012
(Room: RH B2.1003 Store auditorium; in addition RH B2.U001 (Seminar room 1) and RH B2.U002 (Seminar room 2))
09:00-17:00 Registration
09:00-09:45 Keynote V
B2.U001 (Seminar room 1) Body Area Network and Its Standardization with IEEE 802.15.6 Dr. Huan-bang Li National Institute of Information and Communication Technology (NICT) Japan
09:45-10:00 Coffee break
10:00- 12:00 Paralell Tracks
Workshop 1 - The standardization of Body Area Networks (BAN's) and Personal Networks (PN's)
B2.U001 (Seminar room 1)
Chair: John Farserotu Head Wireless Program, CSEM, Swiss
Workshop introductory presentations:
Body Area Networks and remaining standardization challenges Dr. John Farserotu Head Wireless Program CSEM, Swiss, Research Coordinator Hermes Partnership
BAN and PN in health Dr. Guido Dolmans Program Manager Ultra Low Power Wireless & Principal Researcher Stichting IMEC Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Requirements for BAN and BAN standardization from the point of view of gaming Dr. Fred Dijkstra XSens, The Netherlands/USA
BAN in defense applications Dr. Mauro Montanari / dr. Sebastiano Schillaci Research&Technology Advisors THALES ITALIA S.p.A. - Defence Business Domain
Requirements for BAN and PN in safety Prof. dr. Sonia Heemstra De Groot Scientific Director and co-founder of Twente Institute of TechnoIogy-(TI-WMC) Enschede, The Netherlands, professor TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Discussion on the performance of existing protocols in relation to application areas. Panel discussion, interaction with workshop participants
Workshop 2 – UWBAN - Ultra Wide Band for Body Area Networking
RH B2.U002 (Seminar room 2)
Chair: Prof. Jari Iinatti and Dr. Matti Hämäläinen, University of Oulu, Finland
Integration Interval and Threshold Evaluation for an Energy Detector Receiver with PPM and OOK Modulations V. Niemela, J. Haapola, M. Hämäläinen, Matti and J.Iinatti University of Oulu, Finland
Human Body Effect on the Polarization Properties of the New UWB Dipole Antenna in UWB WBAN Applications T. Tuovinen, M. Berg, K.Y, Yazdandoost, E. Salonen, J. Iinatti University of Oulu, Finland
Channel Modeling for UWB WBAN On-Off Body Communication Link with Finite Integration Technique M. Särestöniemi, T.Tuovinen, M. Hämäläinen, K. Y. Yazdandoost, J. Iinatti University of Oulu, Finland
Performance of Wireless ECG Monitoring in City Hospital in the Presence of Interference L. Mucchi, F. Trippi, A. Carpini, M. Amato University of Florence, Italy
12:00- 13:00 Lunch
13:00- 15:00 Paralell Tracks
Workshop 1 – Continued:
B2.U001 (Seminar room 1)
ETSI standardization machine, conditions and tools to develop standards Dr. Igor Minaev, Senior advisor ETSI, France
Discussion on the performance of existing protocols in relation to application areas. Panel discussion, interaction with workshop participants (continued) Participant presentations
Workshop wrap up, conclusions. Needs for further standardization actions Conclusions and decisions on actions to taken.
Closure of the workshop
Workshop 3 - Workshop on Security Tools and Techniques for Internet of Things (SeTTIT)
RH B2.U002 (Seminar room 2)
Chair: Dr. Habtamu Abie NR, Norway
Keynote speech : Information Management Challenges in a context-aware Internet of Things Towards a Healthy You, Prof. Stefan Poslad, Queen Mary University of London, UK
Security and Privacy Threats in IoT Architectures D. Kozlov, J. Veijalainen and Y. Ali University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Towards Metrics-Driven Adaptive Security Management in E-Health IoT Applications R. M. Savola, H. Abie and M. Sihvonen VTT Finland
Keynote speech : Game Theory and Trust Models for the Internet of Things, Dr. Mohamed Hamdi, School of Communication Engineering, Tunisia
Risk-Based Adaptive Security for Smart IoT in eHealth H. Abie and I Balasingham Norwegian Computing Center, Norway
Managing Access Control for Things: a Capability Based Approach D. Rotondi and S. Piccione TxT e-solutions S.p.A., Italy
Prof. Ilangko Balasingham, Norway (General Chair)
Prof. Ryuji Kohno, Japan (TPC Co-Chair)
Prof. Junichi Suzuki, USA (TPC Co-Chair)
Prof. Tao Gu, Denmark (TPC Co-Chair)
Prof. Eduard Alarcón, Spain (Demo/Poster Co-Chair)
Prof. Yunhuai Liu, China (Demo/Poster Co-Chair)
Prof. Tadashi Nakano, Japan (Workshop/Tutorial Co-Chair)
Prof. Haojin Zhu, China (Workshop/Tutorial Co-Chair)
Prof. Ali Khaleghi, Iran (Publicity Co-Chair)
Prof. Shui Yu, Australia (Publicity Co-Chair)
Prof. Shih-Hsi "Alex" Liu, USA (Publicity Co-Chair)
Dr. Jacob Bergsland, Norway (Panel Chair)
Dr. Raul Chavez-Santiago, Norway (Publication Co-Chair)
Dr. Anna Kim, (Publication Co-Chair)
Karl Øyri, Norway (Web Chair)
Prof. Dirk Plettemeier, Germany (Program Track Co-Chair)
Dr. Catherine Dehollain, Switzerland, (Program Track Co-Chair)
Prof. Xiaodong Lin, Canada (Program Track Co-Chair)
Prof. Chunming Rong, Norway (Program Track Co-Chair)
Dr. Huan-Bang Li, Japan, (Program Track Co-Chair)
Dr. Kamran Sayrafian, USA (Program Track Co-Chair)
Prof. Gill Tsouri, USA (Program Track Co-Chair)
Prof. Tor Ramstad, Norway (Program Track Co-Chair)
Prof. Eryk Dutkiewicz, Australia (Program Track Co-Chair)
Prof. Jari Iinatti, Finland (Program Track Co-Chair)
Prof. Jianqing Wang, Japan (Program Track Co-Chair)
Dr. Sasitharan Balasubramaniam, Ireland (Program Tra. Co-Chair)
Prof. Ozgur Akan, Turkey (Program Track Co-Chair)